about cas:
accessibility When you look at your computer system, what are your most pressing concerns - beating the competition? Keeping up with technology? Getting your e-mail to work? cas has been helping people deal with such concerns for over a decade. Established as a business aimed at developing software for manufacturers, we have evolved into a company that now offers a variety of computer related services. While network design and installation is our primary focus, we also provide clients with technical support, host corporate domains, manage e-mail services, develop commercial web pages, conduct systems' analysis, and offer contracted service, maintenance, and repair. We employ professionalism and experience to provide our clients with quality service. Every business wants to move ahead of the pack without overhauling their system. Every office wants to stay current with the latest tools and gadgets. And every employee wants to have a good working relationship with the equipment. Is that too much to ask? We understand these perspectives, and work towards a very basic goal: to have our clients utilize their computer resources with maximum effectiveness.
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