cas security: access to control
As the wonders of Internet turn the office into a communications frenzy, the seemingly tedious task of network security is often overlooked.  While the performance of online connections, equipment, and software has improved dramatically, each advancement increases exposure and vulnerability. Enhanced security features will allow your company to take advantage of tomorrow's technology and
avoid breakdowns (or break-ins). 
    A VPN allows your company to expand its network accessibility without sacrificing the integrity of the internal structure.  By using a combination of tunneling, encryption, and authentication processes, VPN technology creates a secure connection via the Internet for remote users (telecommuters, branch offices, partners, suppliers).  While the procedure may sound unnecessarily complex, a VPN is both practical and productive.  Using the Internet eliminates expensive phone links and risky login procedures, and allows for maximum control of network access.  Your company can simultaneously reduce communication costs and increase the flow of information.
    For companies with high-speed connections, one negative aspect is the potential for infiltration. The "24/7" Internet connection is a two-way street, with no traffic control. A firewall is a hardware device that is installed at the perimeter of your network and is configured to limit accessibility. Why bother with a door lock and alarm system if you leave your valuable network data wide open?
    Virus attacks are already an everyday occurrence - your defense against them should be as well.  Installing anti-virus software is longer a luxury, but is a necessity for every single business on the Internet.  Even one simple connection can allow widespread corruption for networks of any size.  And the battle doesn't stop there.  Automatic upgrades are the best way to keep pace with the growing list of threatening computer viruses.  For a healthy network, think of it as preventative medicine.


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